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CJ the Good Witch began her journey here in L.A. drawn to healing people in the kindest ways.  She works at the peaceful, communal space Liberate Emporium for all Posted Workshops, Sound Healing, & Reiki Sessions. And is also happily available for off-site readings & sessions. 

Your Good Witch began her own practice shortly after she received her first Akashic Record reading which sent her towards using her healing gifts, she then became a bridge for others so they can live life to their highest potential & purpose. She loves to express herself in art & vegan baking.  She studied pre-med at Malcolm X College in Chicago & Reiki Healing under Master Lisa Powers.  All of these hobbies, training, & that first reading has put her on the path to utilize these gifts to their fullest as a healer.

She wants more than anything to help heal you & the world itself with her heart and hands.

About Your Good Witch

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